Saturday, July 7, 2007

Week 9 thing 23

Last thing. I debated if I wanted to post this one now to finish up but I figured I might as well post it then I can say I finished then went to help everyone else. I don't want to hit the high points in this post as much as just give some thoughts on the future. Here goes...

The 23 things Web 2.0 project has been great and everyone who participates hopefully will learn about some of the new technologies that have been developed recently. But the individual knowledge isn't what I hope people take from this. What I hope everyone can take and myself included is the desire to continue to learn about the new technologies that are born every day on the web. It wasn't that long ago that MySpace and YouTube hadn't even been though about. The most complex way of communicating was through message boards and maybe for the techie people some IRC. Look at what has happened in just a few short years with YouTube. It went from a site that I originally associated with fraps videos of online game victories (yes that was my original use for YouTube) to a worldwide phenomenon that may play a sizable role in the next presidential election. When the next YouTube arrives on the scene we need to harness it to work for us. That's not always possible but we need to at least be able to understand it so we're not lost in the dark.

We can't think about everything in stages. Web 1.0 and 2.0. The web is continually evolving and changing and as soon as you think you have learned all the latest tricks and programs something new will come along. Always look and always share with other people because no one person can discover everything on their own. That's way too much time in front of the screen.

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